Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Design Power

As mentioned in my last post I would like to inform the general public about the importance of music. With modern technologies music is now accessed, downloaded, shared via internet without any designed influence. Back when vinyl records were the primary source of music the design real-estate was massive, then moved to cassette tapes the surface got smaller. Then to CD's with various creative designed packages, and now, nothing. iTunes has made the effort to display artwork with the album artwork and cover flow features, so designers need to take advanatage. Cas Haley, made famous by America's Got talent was produced and promoted digitally before being sold in stores. I purchased his album from iTunes and received a full digital booklet, neat, yet booo. If the designed digital booklet was interactive and perhaps did fun flash like things that would educate the audience about influences, ideas, much like commentaries on DVD's design would be empowering the importance of music. It will be my generations responsibility to tackle this and be creative with the technologies provided.

visit, well done design. It really revives the reggae culture through modern design. A well branded Figure thanks to America's Got Talent, but he is amazing.

courtesy of

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